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This event is an Exhibition and Participation game of Games Workshop's wargame Epic Space Marine. The version on display is the 2nd edition of the game, released in 1991, with elements of the 1994 edition Titan Legions included, while the miniatures are a mix of classic GW originals, as well as the modern Adeptus Titanicus range, and a selection from Vanguard Miniatures. Because it is played at 6mm scale (which is very small!) it means you can assemble an awful lot of troops on a tabletop!


Come along and see why this game was a best-seller for Games Workshop for many years; take control of entire armoured companies, Titan battle groups and massive Ork Hordes as you grind the opposition to dust! (It's easy to learn and our veteran Epic enthusiasts will show you how!)







It is the 200th year of the Great Crusade. The armies of the Emperor have expanded from Terra to reclaim mankind's birthright amongst the stars. At the forefront of his effort, the Space Marine Legions: Genetically enhanced and schooled from childhood in war they are warriors without peer. Supported by the technology and wargear of the Mechanicum, which includes the dreaded Titan Legions, entire empires of alien have been ground beneath their ceramite boots. 


The 12th Legion of the Crusade, known as the World Eaters, have been sanctioned by the Emperor for their actions in the Ghenna Massacre. As punishment a large contingent of the Legion has been sent far to the Galactic North as part of the 3001st Expedition. They lead an invasion force comprised of hundreds of thousands of Space Marines, human troops, and Titans of the Legion Metalica (The 'Iron Skulls'). Their target, an Ork Empire led by the fearsome Warlord Mutarg; a leader of such prowess that he has managed to unite the various Ork Clans under his banner. 


The invasion forces under Commander of the Fleet Borya touch down in force upon the World of Zeta-Five-Zero (or Badrukk's Place, as the Orks know it). And the mighty green horde of Mutarg deploys to meet them..





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