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Welcome to Sumocat Retro !

This blog has been made for peanuts, with input from someone that has poor graphical design skills, and it shows!  I'm also pretty crap at playing games, so reviews will often be based on the first 20% of the game, depending on how far you can get on Easy mode. So don't expect any live streams.

Reviews and features are likely to be sporadic at best - please follow on the Twitter link below for when any new content does actually get posted!


The only posters on this site for now will be me, Filbert Wang (And of course Sumo cat!), but hopefully that list will grow depending on who can be persuaded or blackmailed into writing for the site!

Forgot to say: The blog covers reviews and features on the 8 & 16-bit gaming era, also known as the best era.


Thanks for visiting and hope that you enjoy reading the site! :) 

Sumo cat

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