Having recently setup a base in the ruins of the old Sump Cathedral, the Children of Guttenberg (as they call themselves) have been annoying all of the gangs in the neighbouring area by not only refusing to pay 'protection' money, but also continuously knocking on doors, offering their pamphlet 'The Meat Tower', and refusing to go away, even when the gang members hide and pretend not to be at home or say they are not interested.
The cult have also started putting graffiti all over the area, and sticking up posters that are really difficult to remove and leave a residue on the walls.
Finally, promises of a 'fun time' at the Cathedral were put into question, after a few gang members turned up to a planned orgy and it was just a bunch of fat naked dudes.
The gangs in the surrounding area have decided something must be done to put the cult in their place. Putting aside their own feuds and agreeing a truce, a few members of each gang travel to a local market (where they know the cult have organised a recruitment, dance and sex-toy sales day) in order to teach them a lesson..